Hailing from the Windy City and loading their self-professed brand of sludgy progressive doom on a conveyor belt alongside Pelican, Battle of Mice, Beak, Giant Squid and other monolithically massive sounding bands with animal-friendly monikers, Arriver originally formed in 2004 and have previously issued three largely independent self-released full-lengths of sonic crush and caress (one of which you can read about here). Coming on March 4th is the band’s next album, Azimuth, oozing with colossal rhythms, glimmering guitar experiments that conjure up images of classic rock drifting into space and vocals straight from the bottom of a truck stop ashtray. In preparation for, and in promotion of, their latest work, Arriver have taken to the visual airwaves and issued their latest optical offering for new track “Only On.” It’s a bit of a oddball selection for first exposure to the new album as it’s a serious sloooow burn and build, but the more you listen to the pastiche of variety available throughout Azimuth, it becomes clear that no one song of the band’s own can adequately describe this quartet’s approach. As usual, we asked for a bit of insight into the video and the band responded by saying:
“Soul-flayed on the precipice, rot and corruption lie behind. Arriver slits the astral membrane: a flickering path leads ‘Only On.’ Our new album, Azimuth is the product of six years grappling with disruption, from a personal to a global scale. For the first time we turned our storytelling focus inward. We’ve chosen this song, naked, exposed and unusual within our own repertoire as the first single and video, in the belief that the question it asks will invite your own answer. With nothing but our deep-rooted faith in D.I.Y.-or-Die to guide us, we did it ourselves with two cameras at our first show since everything stopped. Hope you’ll join us for the ride.”
Joe Kaplan – drums, percussion
Dan MacAdam – electric guitar, 12-string electric guitar, backing vocals
Dan Sullivan – vocals, electric guitar, baritone and acoustic guitars
Rob Sullivan – vocals, bass guitar, synthesizer
For info, ordering and all that: