You apparently don’t need to live anywhere close to an actual desert to get that heavy, heavy desert rock sound that Kyuss pioneered more than three decades ago. Sergeant Thunderhoof are a UK quartet—Daniel Flitcroft (vocals), Mark Sayer (guitar), Jim Camp (bass), Darren Ashman (drums)—from Bath, England, which is about 100 miles from London, and thousands of miles from the nearest desert. Nonetheless, they have the drop-tuned riffs, laconic grooves and steady lope of SoCal’s finest purveyors of that buzzing, fuzzed-out sound on their latest track, “Devil’s Daughter.”
The track is taken from Sergeant Thunderhoof’s fourth full-length—the band was formed in 2013—called This Sceptred Veil which is due for release June 3, on Pale Wizard Records. It was recorded with Josh Gallop (Phoxjaw) at Stage 2 Studios in Bath and mastered by fellow stoner rock traveler Tony Reed of Mos Generator, at his home studio in Port Orchard, Washington. It will be available on all major digital platforms, CD and two double-album vinyl versions. You can preorder it here.
Here’s what vocalist Daniel Flitcroft had to say about the track:
“The lyrics on this song are a little angsty, sarcastic even at times, which is a little unusual for me. It’s a hard rocker with a familiar ’Hoof swagger. We try not to take ourselves too seriously and this one retains much of the sound which has characterized our music over the years. I think our drummer Darren really shines on this song and it was one which was written entirely together as a unit in a rehearsal room.”