Don’t let the name fool you. Sugar Addikt is not a product of a bubblegum Pop factory. Though their sound is more bright than dim, there’s some rather adult themes explored in their music. Be it mental health issues, or intimate boundaries, Sugar Addikt cover several bases with their music. Their newest single “LMBT1,” which is an acronym for, Let Me Be The One, is a diverse and electric track. Electric is a key description, as Sugar Addikt is essentially an Electronic themed act.
Hailing from Seattle, Sugar Addikt is currently comprised of Vocalist, Vanessa Littrell and Musician, Mario Inchausi. To elaborate, Inchausi plays many roles in the group, and Littrell is the centerpiece. Mario Inchausi is highly decorated and Littrell has an infectious energy that can’t be denied. Together, they have composed not only “LMBT1,” but an entire album’s worth of material, that is soon to be released. Judging by their latest single, their forthcoming record should be quite variegated.
“LMBT1,” comes in hot, and although it does have moments of introspection, it’s mostly pure energy. It’s eidetic in a way, in that you can almost see the laser light display as you listen. Though it does lean into a few EDM tropes, as a whole, “LMBT1,” feels a little different than your standard Electronica track. Some might find it to be a little bit too busy, but profundity can often be found in the midst of chaos. What’s difficult to argue is that this song simply won’t allow you to stay still.
It’s not known where “LMBT1,” was recorded, or if the band handled that themselves. It’s a solid mix, albeit a tiny bit eccentric. There are no glaring discrepancies or balancing issues. Depending on the console you listen to, it can seem that Littrell’s vocal track isn’t perfectly aligned, but this is common. Overall, the mix is bright and somewhat immersive, allowing the song to envelop your senses.
It’s uncertain if Sugar Addikt’s upcoming album will be full length or more of an EP. It will be interesting to see the scope and range of the material. The group has shown a willingness to take risks, judging by “LMBT1.” Whether or not Mario Inchausi ends up being a long-term member of Sugar Addikt, remains to be seen as well. The upcoming album is sure to go a long way in determining the future of Sugar Addikt.
If you like your Electronic music, slightly outside the box, then you should definitely check out, “LMBT1.” It’s a vibrant track that will make an immediate impression. Because the song is somewhat multifaceted, you will likely want to revisit it, again and again. It will also be an effective introductory piece to Sugar Addikt and their relatively unique stylings. Look for both “LMBT1,” and Sugar Addikt’s forthcoming album on streaming services in the near future. You can find the band on social media as well, on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
Mindy McCall