The news section is one of the most important features of Metal Storm, but as you can imagine, it is also one of the most demanding: it has to get updated every single day, and you would not believe the amount of stuff that happens on this planet every moment of existence. For years now, we’ve been relying on very small teams of dedicated people, and we’ve been very lucky to have our news chief Abattoir and our other regular contributors of news, but that kind of operation isn’t sustainable; we want to grow the stock of users regularly submitting news so that we can improve the scope of our news, ease the onus on each individual person writing and editing news, and make sure that we’ll always have coverage should anyone be temporarily indisposed.
What we’re looking for is more users who can write news for us. If you don’t feel up to the task of cataloguing every newsworthy event every single day, that’s okay – even submitting an article or two every now and then goes a long way if we can increase the number of people who are doing it. If you’re worried about your writing skills or you aren’t comfortable with your degree of English fluency, don’t be – very often, all that’s necessary is to copy and paste official statements from press releases (though make sure that you provide adequate sourcing and quotations, of course). Typically the title and content are already laid out there for you. If you’ve never submitted news before, there are some guidelines on the news submission page, but we’re also more than happy to answer your questions.
As is so often the case, we’re really just asking a favor of you; there’s not much we can offer you in exchange for this vital and time-consuming task, other than our gratitude. But for those users who do feel a call to make submitting news a regular habit, know that we’re open to promoting official contributors from our more reliable newshounds. There is potential to join our ranks officially, if we see that you’re consistently sending us accurate and high-quality articles, so this may not be a completely thankless task.
If you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact RaduP or post down below. We hope you’ll consider adding news to your to do list and helping us keep the world updated on what happens in metal.
– the Metal Storm staff