Kidd Buu released the 4th installment of his Blind for Love series. The album features 19 tracks written and produced by the rapper, with contributions by Zachariah Kendall, George Davud Lee, and Mikel Jones.
Blind For Love 4 is the first studio album he released since the successful launch of his Onlyfans page in 2020. The Death 2 Soundcloud rapper hilariously quit the music industry during the COVID shutdowns in 2020 and posted a series of youtube videos to protest the mishandling of his career by his Label, Island Records.
Many music insiders believed his hiatus was just temporary. He never left the studio and was still writing and producing. So his comeback was bound to happen. With the release of his latest album, He seemed to take back control over managing his career by releasing his latest album independently on his new label Valentine Enterprise.
We’re glad his back! But does this mean he’s done being a pornstar forever? Let’s hope we haven’t seen the last x-rated versions of Life of Buu.
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