[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Found Season 2 Episode 14 “Missing While Matched.”]
Has Margaret’s (Kelli Williams) son come home? That seems to be the case on Found, but we’re still waiting for that DNA test.
Jamie (Parker Daniel Queenan), or at least the young man saying he’s Margaret son who was taken when he was a child, is now working at M&A — but he’s going to have protocols in place, since he’s been caught snooping around. He and Margaret also go to the bus station from which he was taken together (he got the employee there to lift the restraining order against her), and he assures her his kidnapper won’t take another child. “They wanted me. Just me. And I won’t tell you who they are. I can’t. Please stop asking me,” he says. (That matches with what Margaret has realized: It was someone close to the family, because that person was able to steal his toy train from his bedroom days after he was taken.) As he walks away to take some space, she calls him by his middle name, and he turns; he previously remarked that it’s easier to remember a fake name if it’s part of a real one. This suggests that his kidnapper had him going by his middle name all these years.
Below, Williams discusses the very complicated situation Margaret’s in right now, the questions about Jamie, and more.
Talk about filming the scene of Margaret and Jamie at the bus station — it had been a while since we’d seen her there because of the restraining order.
Kelli Williams: She couldn’t go in, and that was so torturous for her to not be able to, that’s where she sort of fed her – it’s almost like she just had the trauma bond that she had with the site of the kidnapping or so she thought that that was the site of it. I think it completely derails Margaret the idea that she can’t be in there because it’s been her security blanket, it’s been her neuroses, it’s been all of those things. So being able to then finally be there with him in that space was… He’s such a lovely actor, too. It was really fun to work with him.
At the end, he says he needs space and walks away, and Margaret calls him Nicholas —
He turns. I realized that he used his middle name. Yes, there was that moment. Oh, yeah. That was crazy.
Matt Miller/NBC
That seems like a clue that he is actually Jamie, but until there’s a definitive DNA test, I feel like there’s still that question, right?
Right, completely. And she was not willing to go there.
We also get that flashback to the press conference, and that’s when we see someone outside holding Jamie’s train.
Yeah, that was so crazy. I love when they start to plant those seeds of it being somebody that she knows who has been watching.
What can you say about that person that we see at the end of those flashbacks? Is that something that’s going to be continuing, like we’re getting little bits and pieces?
Yes, we will absolutely get little bits and pieces. There are sort of Easter eggs that are kind of planted throughout around it, which is interesting, I think, and particularly in flashbacks, because when Margaret was in the throes of him first being missing and she hadn’t developed her Margaret vision skill, she can only see that — she has tunnel vision towards, “Where’s my son? I need to find him.” And she probably missed a lot of clues. And little by little, as the season goes on, you start to [get pieces]. And just the idea that she can’t even fathom who it could possibly be… I mean, it’s really great when it starts to reveal itself.
We had that great Margaret and Sir (Mark-Paul Gosselaar) scene early on in the season, which I had been waiting for, and he offered to help Margaret in the past with Jamie. But what would it take for Margaret to turn to Sir for help?
Well, that’s the thing that I find is so interesting about the duality of what’s right in terms of what Gabi’s [Shanola Hampton] choices were in using Sir, what is morally correct, which is if you look at it from a black and white perspective, it’s like, absolutely not. He cannot help you. That’s, one, against the law, and, two, just immoral to lean on this person who held her captive for so long for any kind of information. But then that very idea that he gets like, “Hey, I could help you,” is so manipulative and so kind of fantastic in storytelling because you then realize that people are so susceptible to [it]. All Margaret wants [are] answers, and if she thinks that Sir could provide some of those answers for her, what is she willing to do? How far is she willing to go?
How does Margaret feel about the limits that are being put on Jamie at M&A and the fact that M&A is partly why he’s staying?
Well, that’s also an interesting thing for me just story-wise. One, it’s the needing to have a reason for him to be there, for him to be close by. Margaret doesn’t want him out of her sights. And I know that there’s a certain dysfunction in that by itself because she’s so panicked that he’s going to leave again. So the idea that he’s just there, that Gabi gives him this “job,” it is kind of odd. But at the same time, Margaret loves it because that means she can be close to him all the time.
He’s also slightly suspicious of everyone. She can read him. He’s so reluctant to give any information around who took him. The fact that he’s denying her the truth is, I think, a bit torturous for her. But then she also wants to respect his process and his trauma. So a lot of stuff starts to reveal itself, too, around that in terms of, is he in communication with his captor? Where does he go when he leaves? She wants those answers. She wants to understand, but she also doesn’t want to push him away. She has to play this little bit of a game of, he’ll tell me when he’s ready to tell me. But she wants so desperately for him to just come clean and for everything to be okay. But their sort of healing path is, once he’s been found, when you think about the amount of trauma for people who have been found, what do they need to go through in order to process their — are they totally disassociated? Do they remember things? Have they completely blocked it out in order to survive? The psychology of it, I think, is really interesting.
He’s [also] almost blaming her in a way, even though he was taken. But you want to be rescued, and then it’s hard not to feel like they’re responsible. They both have their own guilt, and it’s also obviously not his fault in any way whatsoever. He was a child, but he’s been completely brainwashed by this person. To have been taken by such a young person and then have so much of all of your formative years with someone who has told you a different story, what did the kidnapper say to him about me? Did the kidnapper say, oh, your parents didn’t want you? And then as a child, you start to believe that; it’s sort of Stockholm syndrome that becomes his “safe place,” even though it’s not safe. It’s so layered.
Then there’s his interest in Gabi, all the questions about her and his focus on her…
Right. He gets hyperfocused on her and everybody’s jobs within the firm and him watching me the way that I have developed my Margaret vision. I developed that looking for him, and it seems like he also has sort of a spidey sense around a lot of things because he’s had to be hyper-vigilant his whole life.
Found, Thursdays, 10/9c, NBC