100 songs and albums and videos submitted this week for review.
X Mi,vol,1 album/ video by Gabby Moreno. A collection of soul-piercing acoustic songs in English and Spanish that the Grammy-nominated Moreno has been holding dear for years. . The single “Luna de Xelajú” featuring Oscar Isaac is breathtaking. Stream on all major platforms.
Curandera, single/video by Magos Herrera. A newly released video from the album Aire by the Mexican singer, this song features a full orchestra. It pays tribute to the late Maria Sabina, a legendary Mexican chamana (shaman/healer) but also celebrates music as a healer. Stream on Spotify. Video on YouTube.
Dos Extrañeros, singleby Juan Ingaramo and Zoe Gotusso . This is just fun. The duo bounces along in a happy world that could almost be animated. It will make you feel good no matter what the outside looks like. Be happy and stream on all major platforms.
Constellations, single by BINX. The urgency in song grabs you right away, and you are carried along by her rapid-fire lyrics, spot-on song writing and sophisticated production. One of her best to date. Stream on all major platforms.
Shy Boy single by Carly Rae Jepson. A steady guitar beat moves this one along with breaks for Carly’s soaring choruses. A toe-tapper, head-bobber that you can put on in the background and just bop along through your day. Stream on all major platforms.
Shake This, single and video by Sasha Prendes. A locomotive beat will keep you moving as you appreciatet he Cuban -America’s understated lyrics and smart arrangements. A joy all the way through. Stream on Spotify. Video on YouTube. Spanish.
Veil of Light intimate , single by Lori Jean Finnila. Stream on Spotify