Recently, Rich Amiri took to social media with some concerning allegations against Iayze. The rapper shared a screenshot of an alleged text conversation between his own ex-girlfriend and Iayze. In the chat, Iayze appears to ask Rich Amiri’s ex for photos of her feet in exchange for money. According to Rich Amiri, she was underage when the alleged conversation took place. “I know this fw around sound weird but would u sell me the feet pics?” he appears to ask her in the screenshot. She responds, claiming that she’s unsure if the request is a joke or not. He then seemingly clarifies that he’s looking to purchase photos of her feet.
“And these are HIGH QUALITY screenshots so u know they real,” Rich Amiri wrote in a subsequent Instagram Story. “Unlike that fake a** sh*t u posted about me. Let’s see if ya fans defend u on this one.” His posts follow Iayze’s recent stream, which saw him calling out multiple artists for allegedly getting involved with underage girls.
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Rich Amiri Fires Back Following Iayze’s Allegations
He had accused Rich Amiri of offering to take a 16 year out on a date, which he denies. Amiri then called Iayze during the stream to try to defend himself, claiming that he doesn’t know who the girl he’s accused of talking to is. He repeatedly said that Iayze was lying. Iayze went on to tell him that he doesn’t owe him any respect, as he’s previously made unflattering comments about him and his daughter. Amiri denied his allegations, claiming that Iayze was simply trying to “ruin [him].”
It remains unclear which of these allegations are founded. What do you think of Rich Amiri accusing Iayze of asking his ex to buy photos of her feet? How about Iayze putting other artists on blast for allegedly talking to minors? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below, and keep an eye on HNHH for more updates.
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