For a lot of us, online gaming is something that does not require a lot of conscious thought. We do not even think about how we log on, how we find new games, and how we enter competitions or earn money anymore. Most of us have been doing this for years at this point, if not more than a decade, and it is second nature to us. However, over the last couple of years, we have seen a huge number of people dip their toes into the world of online gaming and online gambling for the very first time. And even now, there are a lot of people out there who are finally ready to see what all the fuss is about.
But it can be a little tricky to know where to start if a friend or family member asks you what the best way to get into online gaming or online gambling would be. For a lot of us, the time we got started is a long time ago. This is why we have put together a helpful guide to some of the questions that a beginner might ask, and some pointers that are going to be important for you to remember. Let’s get started.
Find Out What They Want From It
There is a big difference between someone who games and gambles online on an almost daily basis, and someone who just pops online for a quick game every now and again. Obviously, the best place to start for your rookie friend is going to depend a huge amount on what they actually want from it. Ask them what sort of investment they are looking to make, both in terms of time and money. The answer will help enormously.
Find Out What Games They Like
This may seem like an obvious point, but it is important. One of the easiest ways to help someone get into online gaming and gambling is by introducing them to the games and platforms that you enjoy. However, there is a good chance that you may have different tastes. If you try to get them into something that they are not interested in, you run the risk of losing them before you even get started.
Help Them Find The Resources They Need
It should go without saying that you are not going to be able to be on hand to answer all of your friend’s queries, and that at some point they are going to need to go away and do some research of their own. However, something that you can do is to help them to find the right resources to answer the questions that they have. Take online gambling, for example. Anyone who has never logged onto an online casino before is going to have a lot of questions and some anxiety about making the right decisions. Online gambling guides can take a lot of the guesswork out of the equation and help to get rid of some of those nerves, so look up these online casino guides to help. Online Casino Review has put together detailed guides to online casinos that are perfect for everyone, regardless of experience level.
Help Them Find Their Community
There are some people who are perfectly happy logging on to play with total strangers. However, we all remember the experience of just starting out and realizing that we were playing with people who were either way beyond our skill level, or people who had no interest in gaming with newcomers. You can help your friend to find game hubs and platforms where they can play or gamble with people of equivalent skill level or who are welcoming to everyone, regardless of how many hours they have logged.
Help Them Stay Secure
One of the biggest fears that a lot of people have when it comes to online gaming and online gambling is their security. We have all read the horror stories about cybercrime over the last couple of years, and it is definitely a good thing that everyone is trying to be more careful. Now, the specific security risks and requirements may vary depending on the game and platforms that you and your friend are using, but there are always going to be some golden rules that apply for everything.
The first is that two-factor authentication for any of the associated accounts is essential, and they should use a random password generator. They should always check the security certificates of any sites that they are using, and they need to be very wary of any messages that suggest that they need to pay additional fees, or that they need to click a link. Most of these steps are just good common sense but it always pays to remind people, especially if they are just getting into this for the first time.