Melodic rock singer songwriter Cory M. Coons is back, with his latest single “Long Hard Rain.” Melodic rock is a fairly rare genre to come by these days, so we’re glad to see the seasoned artist bringing back his unique vision of music to the forefront of the genre once again. The question then is, how good is “Long Hard Rain,” and does it live up to the expectations we have for it?
As usual, one of the things that will instantly pop out to a listener is just is how good of a lyricist Cory is. While he uses simple language, the writing hits hard with some truly beautiful and memorable lines littered all throughout the song. We’ve come to high quality songwriting from Cory at this point, but with “Long Hard Rain,” he proves that he hasn’t at all lost his touch.
He also makes fantastic use of metaphors to make certain lines more effect. It all makes for an intensely poignant song, really selling on the devastating effect a failed relationship can have. The way he weaves and bends words around the idea is impressive stuff. These are all signs of excellent songwriting, and we’re happy to see it.
We also can’t undermine Cory’s delivery here, as he matches his skill in songwriting with his voice. He manages to hit all right notes without noticeably straining his voice, which is important on selling the emotion of the single. It all layers on top of each other, adding to the instrumentals beautifully. It results in a song that’s really enjoyable, the way many classic rock songs are.
Killer rock riffs, dreamy bass lines and masterful drumming make up the bulk of the song, and it doesn’t really much more than that. The mixing job on the song adds a nice amount of grit to the final product, and we’re happy to hear it. “Long Hard Rain,” has that sandy texture to its sound that so many classic rock songs have, and it only adds to its quality.
Overall, “Long Hard Rain,” is a satisfyingly great melodic rock song. It’s rare that we get a such a treat in this genre anymore, and we’re blessed to get one as solid as this. Cory M. Coons continues to do an excellent job with his work, and we’re very pleased with this single. If it’s any sign of what his upcoming projects will sound like, then we’re really excited to hear more.