Posted: by The Editor
photo taken by Matt Farabaugh, edited by Alex Manescu
Booze Radly’s new tune “White Guy Emo” is a snarky, blistering shot of existential-crisis punk. The melody at “how many times have we been down this road before / who hears this whte guy emo and thinks that we need more?” is as catchy as it is self-deprecating, while the basslines and pull-off riffs from the guitars that follow the refrains show off the band’s chops. They’re joined by Gabby Relos from Afloat for a great effect as her rawer vocals mirror Alex Manescu’s an octave higher and pulled back a bit in the mix allowing her to really let loose overtop of Manescu’s more measured delivery.
On how the track came together, Manescu said, “The first single for our new EP Lose, Badly (out this August), might have been one of the most internally contentious tracks we’ve worked on as a band. When writing this release we set out with a larger goal to kind of rediscover why we enjoyed being a band. After our 2019 LP Haunted Mind we were left kind of emotionally and creatively spent. Releasing our first ever full length right before a global life-altering pandemic had its downsides I guess.”
“So when it came time to figure out what if anything we were going to try next we decided to center our focus on a couple simple goals; tighter execution, more creative exploration and reigning in unnecessary excess. In other words, we decided an EP would be a great way to trim the fat and nail down a couple really killer songs that would help us find ourselves in a new, somehow even weirder decade.”
“White Guy Emo almost didn’t make the cut. Coming in hot at two whole minutes as opposed to our previously beleaguered five plus minute tracks of the past–it felt risky to keep it this simple. But this is what we grew up with long before our young adult fiction, ambiguously demure social media status update lives took over. Fast, cathartic, self-aware and hyper critical punk rock tracks that got us all into playing music in the first place.”
“If you like the more ‘mature,’ pensive, esoteric shit, and this one ain’t for you–that’s ok. We still have a couple surprises, (Dylan finally got me into YES during the pandemic for instance), that we can’t wait to share with you. Consider this a friendly ‘what’s up, how’ve you been’ from a bunch of goofy friends that are maybe just a little tired of being sad all the time.”
“Thanks for taking the time to listen.”
Check out the video below and keep a look out for Lose, Badly in August.
music video shot by Matt Farabugh, edited by Alex Manescu
Aaron Eisenreich | @slobboyreject
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