Squid Game is a South Korean series that explores themes such as class struggles, greed, apathy, and capitalism. Season 1, which debuted on Netflix on September 17, 2021, establishes that the show’s version of society is uncaring, brutal, and harsh. Released on December 26, 2024, Season 2 reiterated these things. In a new interview, actress Jo Yu-ri, who plays Jun-hee / Player 222 in the show, warned fans that Season 3 would be “unimaginably brutal” and “cruel.”
Jo Yu-ri teases Squid Game Season 3’s cruel story
Jo Yu-ri hinted at the bleak storyline that fans could expect in the third and final season of Squid Game during an interview. “It seems like a lot of people have been predicting the contents of Season 3, but it seems like not many of them have gotten it right as I thought,” she observed, before adding, “A truly unimaginably brutal and cruel story awaits, so please look forward to it.” (via Cinema Today)
The ending of Season 2 is extremely tragic in itself. (Spoilers ahead) Player 001 (Lee Byung-hun), who is the Front Man and overseer of the games, turns against his fellow players. The season ends with Seong Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae), the winner of the previous iteration of the games and the protagonist of the series, captured, and his close friend Park Jung-bae (Lee Seo-hwan) executed by Front Man.
If what Jo Yu-ri teases is accurate, things will get worse when Squid Game returns for the third season. Although Netflix hasn’t yet officially announced when that will happen, leaks from the streaming giant suggest that Season 3 will premiere on June 27, 2025.
Notably, series creator Hwang Dong-hyuk initially tried to sell the project to various production companies but was unsuccessful. Over a decade later, Netflix expressed interest in developing it as a TV show. Following its premiere, the inaugural season of the survival drama became one of the most-watched TV seasons ever on Netflix. Season 2 has also turned out to be a massive hit, contributing to the growing anticipation for the final chapter of the show.